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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)=== CELEX and WebCelex ===
WebCelex is a webbased interface to the CELEX lexical databases of English, Dutch and German.
CELEX was developed as a joint enterprise of the University of Nijmegen, the Institute for Dutch Lexicology in Leiden, the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, and the Institute for Perception Research in Eindhoven. For each language, the database contains detailed information on: orthography (variations in spelling, hyphenation), phonology (phonetic transcriptions, variations in pronunciation, syllable structure, primary stress), morphology (derivational and compositional structure, inflectional paradigms), syntax (word class, word class-specific subcategorizations, argument structures) and word frequency (summed word and lemma counts, based on recent and representative text corpora).
 h Dutch (nl)=== CELEX and WebCelex ===
Interface waarmee de CELEX-lexicale databases van het Duits, Engels, Nederlands kunnen worden geraadpleegd. Voor iedere taal zijn de lemma's aangevuld met orthografische, fonologische, morfologische en syntactische informatie en frequentiegegevens.