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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)* 115 hours of spoken Dutch
* speech of children, elderly people and non-natives, and human-machine interaction
* verbatim transcription, a transcription of the human-machine interaction (HMI) phenomena, POS tagging of the words, and an automatic phonetic transcription 
* version 1.0 (2008)
* [ Recording Speech of Children, Non-Natives and Elderly People for HLT Applications: the JASMIN-CGN Corpus (LREC Proceedings 2008)]
* [ Download page]
 h Dutch (nl)* 115 uur aan gesproken Nederlands
* spraak van kinderen, ouderen en anderstaligen en mens-machinedialogen.
* letterlijke transcriptie, een transcriptie van de mens-machine-interactieverschijnselen, POS-tagging van de woorden, en een automatische fonetische transcriptie.
* versie 1.0 (2008)
* [ Recording Speech of Children, Non-Natives and Elderly People for HLT Applications: the JASMIN-CGN Corpus (LREC Proceedings 2008)]
* [ Downloadpagina]