Parlementaire corpora
We hebben momenteel geen specifiek Nederlandse parlementaire corpora beschikbaar, maar hebben wel gewerkt aan dit onderwerp in het kader van ParlaMint, een project dat als doel heeft om zoveel mogelijk parlementaire corpora van verschillende Europese talen samen te brengen.
To this end, the different datasets must be converted to a uniform format and provided with linguistic information. The INT has implemented this for the bilingual Belgian Federal Parliament (French & Dutch). The aim of the project is to provide suitable research data for targeted observations of trends, opinions and decision-making. This will be tested by conducting a case study of the debate on the COVID-19 epidemic.
European Parliament data
Europarl data on the OPUS website: a parallel corpus extracted from the European Parliament web site by Philipp Koehn (University of Edinburgh). The main intended use is to aid statistical machine translation research.