Parallel Multilingual Corpora

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EDGeS Diachronic Bible Corpus

A diachronically and synchronically parallel corpus of Bible translations in Dutch, English, German and Swedish, with texts from the 14th century until today.

PacoMT Parallel Corpora

During the STEVIN project PaCo-MT (Parse and Corpus-based Machine Translation), two existing parallel corpora were enriched with syntactic annotations and node alignments. The annotations were generated automatically.

Language Pairs: English to Dutch, Dutch to English, French to Dutch, Dutch to French.

The Dutch Parallel Corpus

The Dutch Parallel Corpus (DPC) is a 10-million-word, sentence-aligned parallel corpus for the language pairs Dutch-English and Dutch-French, with Dutch as the central language.

The corpus contains five different text types and is balanced with respect to text type and translation direction. The entire corpus has been aligned at sentence level and further enriched with linguistic information (lemmas and PoS-tags). A small subset of the Dutch-English part has also been manually aligned at the sub-sentential level.

The Open Parallel Corpus (OPUS)

The OPUS corpus contains a very large collection of parallel corpora, amongst which many contain Dutch.

COVID-19 Corpora

COVID-19 - HEALTH Wikipedia dataset. Bilingual (EN-NL)

Bilingual (EN-NL) corpus acquired from Wikipedia on health and COVID-19 domain (2nd May 2020). The corpus contains 931 translation units.

COVID-19 ANTIBIOTIC dataset. Bilingual (EN-NL)

Bilingual (EN-NL) corpus acquired from the website The corpus contains 805 translation units.

COVID-19 EC-EUROPA v1 dataset. Bilingual (EN-NL)

Bilingual (EN-NL) corpus acquired from website (*coronavirus-response) of the EU portal (20th May 2020). This corpus contains 2.391 translation units.

COVID-19 EU presscorner v2 dataset. Bilingual (EN-NL)

Bilingual (EN-NL) corpus acquired from website ( of the EU portal (8th July 2020). This corpus contains 6.810 translation units.

COVID-19 EUR-LEX dataset. Βilingual (EN-NL)

Bilingual (EN-NL) corpus acquired from website ( of the EU portal (9th July 2020). This corpus contains 22.470 translation units.

COVID-19 EUROPARL v2 dataset. Bilingual (EN-NL)

Bilingual (EN-NL) corpus acquired from the website ( of the European Parliament (9th May 2020). This corpus contains 887 translation units.

COVID-19 Parallel Global Voices dataset. Bilingual (EN-NL)

EN-NL Bilingual COVID-19-related corpus acquired from the website ( of GlobalVoices (28th April 2020). This corpus contains 675 translation units.

Bilingual corpus from the European Vaccination Portal (NL-EN)

NL-EN Bilingual corpus acquired from This corpus contains 494 translation units.

Bilingual corpus from the Publications Office of the EU on the medical domain v.2 (EN-NL)

EN-NL Bilingual corpus extracted from the Publications Office of the EU on the medical domain. These are sourced from laws, studies, EC announcements, etc. labelled with concepts like epidemiology, epidemic, disease surveillance, health control, public hygiene, freedom of movement, distance learning, etc. This corpus contains 13.191 translation units.

Bilingual corpus made out of PDF documents from the European Medicines Agency, (EMEA) (EN-NL).

EN-NL Bilingual corpus made out of PDF documents from the European Medicines Agency, (EMEA),, (February 2020). This corpus contains 762.433 translation units.

MultiLing EN-NL

The multiLing data set is based on six English source texts which are translated into various languages. Four of them (texts 1-4) are news articles and the other two are (texts 5-6) sociological texts from an encyclopedia. The Dutch data consists of two parts. ENDU20: Ten Dutch translations of the multiLing set by ten native Dutch recent master's degree translators and ENDU20-MT: Two Dutch machine translations of the multiLing set by DeepL (P20) and Google Translate (P21).

Dutch Government Website Corpus

Parallel (EN-NL) corpus of 6.532 translation units.

Dutch Parallel Corpus 2.0 (DPC2)

The Dutch Parallel Corpus 2.0 is a bidirectional parallel corpus of expert translations for Dutch-English and Dutch-French language pairs. The corpus is sentence-aligned, lemmatized and POS-tagged using the state-of-the-art natural language processing toolkit Stanza. The corpus currently contains 2.7 million words, but is dynamic in nature.