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Sign Language corpora

From Clarin K-Centre
This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.

Dutch Sign Language (NGT)

Corpus Nederlandse Gebarentaal

In the Netherlands, Nederlandse Gebarentaal (NGT) or Dutch Sign Language is officially recognized. A corpus is available for research. For download, you can contact servicedesk@ivdnt.org


A multimodal parallel corpus of Dutch and Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT). 297 hotel reviews in written Dutch were translated into NGT videos by 6 professional, deaf translators. Each review was translated by only one translator. The word length of the Dutch reviews varies from around 15 to 400 words; the NGT videos duration ranged from around 10 seconds to around 4 minutes. The total amount of words contained in the corpus is 21,825; the NGT translations consist of over 3.5 hours of videos.

Flemish Sign Language (VGT)

Corpus Vlaamse Gebarentaal

In Flanders, Vlaamse Gebarentaal (VGT) or Flemish Sign Language is officially recognized. A corpus is available for research.

Belgian Covid Sign Language Corpus (BeCoS Corpus)

An automatically transcribed and annotated parallel corpus with speech (Flemish, French, German) and sign language (VGT, LSFB) based on press conferences from the Belgian federal government concerning COVID-19.

GoSt-ParC Sign

A parallel corpus of authentic Flemish Sign Language (VGT) and written Dutch which can be employed as gold standard in automated sign language translation.


A multimodal parallel corpus of Dutch and Flemish Sign Language (VGT). 296 hotel reviews in written Dutch were translated into VGT videos by 6 professional, deaf translators. Each review was translated by only one translator