Speech recognition
BAS Web Services
The BAS Web Services are a rich set of tools for speech sciences and technology. Tools include:
- Automated speech recognition, including several models for Dutch
- Anonymizer
- Audio segmentation tool on the basis of transcripts
- Speaker diarisation
- Voice activity detection
- Webinterface (requires CLARIN login)
LaMachine webservices
There are several speech recognition web services at Radboud University
Speech Recognition for Belgian Dutch
Since April 2022, there is a new ASR engine available, specifically suited for speech recognition for Belgian Dutch. It is running at KU Leuven.
HENSOLDT ANALYTICS Speech-to-text for Dutch
The European Language Grid hosts this speech recognition service with demo at https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/tool-service/20900
Punctuation Insertion
AS ASR output often consists of streams of words, you may want to automatically insert punctuation.
Whisper model from OpenAI
ASR for multiple languages, including Dutch is available from Whisper. Full model download is possible.
- Webpage
- Github page
- YouTube video explaining how to install whisper on your windows machine