Translations:Manually annotated corpora/26/en
The EmoWOZ corpus is a text-based conversational corpus in the domain of customer service, collected through the Wizard of Oz technique. In our Wizard of Oz experiment, participants believed to be interacting with different versions of an autonomous chatbot (called Chatty), while the system was in reality fully controlled by a human operator (henceforth: wizard). Each dialogue was grounded in an event description associated with a begin sentiment (neutral or negative), and wizards were instructed to navigate the conversation to a predefined end sentiment (positive, neutral or negative). Each participant had 12 conversations which were subsequently annotated for emotions with emotion categories and dimensional valence-arousal-dominance scores. In total, the corpus contains 2,148 text-based dialogues between 179 participants and wizards. While the original version of the corpus was collected in Dutch (NL), a translated version to English (EN) is also made available.